Conflict Analysis Paper On Conflict

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Term paper 1. Subject: Conflict Analysis. Submitted by: Yusra Rashid. Question: write a critique of Galtung’s concept of structural violence. Conflict can be defined as a relationship between two or more parties which can be both individuals and groups who have or think that they have incompatible goals. Conflicts are a fact of life, inevitable and often creative. Conflict happen when people have goals which clash. Disagreement and conflicts are usually resolved without violence, and often lead to an improved situation for most or of those involved which is just as well, since conflict is part of our existence. From the micro, interpersonal level through the groups, organisations, communities and nations, all human relations which can…show more content…
-unmet needs for safety, respect, participation in social life or a perception of unjust relationships. -unmet needs for identity, culture, religion, values or a perception that these are threatened. There are two types of conflict: latent and overt. Latent conflict is not expressed but exists but overt conflict is expressed in actions or words. Conflict is about non negotiable issue of human needs deprivation and conflict has to be resolved by analytical process. Now, as we talk about peace, we can say that peace is a never ending process or a never ending struggle to transform violence or conflict it is often compared to health, in that it is more easily recognised by its absence. Like health all have, access to it but unlike health it is contested. According to Galtung the idea of peace shall start from three simple principles: 1. The term “peace” shall be used for social goals at least verbally agreed to by many, if not necessarily by the…show more content…
It is that which increases the distance between what could have been and what it actually is. Violence is more than behaviour and it also involves context and attitudes. Moreover as we talk about Johan Galtung, he is a Norwegian sociologist, mathematician and the founder of discipline of peace and conflict studies. He is also a founder of peace research institute. He is known for contributions to mathematics, sociology and political science, also economics and history. He has developed several theories, such as difference between the Positive and Negative peace, structure violence, theories on conflict and conflict resolution, as well as concept of peace building. He proposed a theory of violence, known as the Galtung’s theory of violence. In his theory he made a clear distinction between cultural, structural and direct violence. These ideas are connected to his distinction depending on how it operates between three inter-related forms of violence where he proposes a model for violence encompassing all the three forms, according to him, violence can be viewed as a triangle with cultural Violence is at the left end and direct Violence is at the right end of the base of a Triangle and structural violence is on the vertex. We can show it in a form of a diagram
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