David Croteau Imperialism

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(1650)An Analysis of Croteau’s Two-Tiered Analysis of Private Ownership and Cultural Imperialism in the Mass Media This cultural analysis will define the conflict of cultural imperialism that David Croteau (2003) in the two-tiered system of private ownership of mass media corporations and the problem of cultural imperialism that infiltrates second and third world nations on a global scale. The first problem that Croteau (2003) defines is the issue of cultural imperialism through the example of American mass media infiltration into Canadian society, as well as throughout the world. The power of American military, governmental, and economic might dominates the ability of regional autonomy for mass media alternatives or in the promotion of national…show more content…
In Canada, the first aspect of cultural imperialism is found in Croteau's analysis of the power of American mass media to infiltrate and co-opt local Canadian culture through differing mediums of entertainment and information distribution. The threat of mass media has become an issue of “cultural imperialism” for Croteau because of the “homogenization” of American culture on a global scale. The one effect of global communications is based on the new technologies, which allow American corporations to transmit their cultural products, such as films, news, and commercials promotion, to differing countries around the world. Of course, this aspect of cultural imperialism defines the example of how Canadians struggle to prevent the influx of American media products from taking over their own homegrown cultural…show more content…
Croteau (2003) effectively defines the power of governmental influence to resist American corporate infiltration, which provides the foundation of private ownership as a major barrier to cultural diversity inn a capitalistic system of trans cooperate monopolies coming out of the United States. Surely, the actions taken by the Canadian government in the 1990s illustrates the ongoing power of American transnational corporate interests that were deflected by the government funded CBC as a means of countering cultural imperialism in the private

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