Crossfit Case Study

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METHODOLOGY The purpose of this study is to identify the motivation for participation in Crossfit by people aged in 18 or above in Hong Kong. This chapter is divided into 4 sections. They are Subjects, Measurement instruments, Procedures, and Date analysis 3.1 Subjects All the subjects for this study are the local people who are the leisure sport Crossfit players and all of them are aged in 18 or above. The interviewees were found in the Crossfit box, including, Lion Crossfit Centre. Totally one hundred and four participants have been asked to complete the questionnaire (see Appendix 1 for English version & Appendix 2 for Chinese version). They were randomly selected by convenience with their agreement to help in the data collection. A convenience…show more content…
Given that all participants in the study took part in Crossfit, they were all suitable for inclusion in a survey which made the assumption that familiar with this sport. It could be questioned whether all items were wholly relevant to all participants but it was decided to include all items and examine the psychometric properties through factor and internal consistency analyses. Part B is the Task and Ego Orientation in Sport Questionnaire (TEOSQ; Duda and Whitehead, 1998) assessed dispositions towards task and ego achievement goal orientations. The TEOSQ elicits scores on totally 13 - items in which were divided in task (7 - items) and ego (6 - items) orientation (see Appendix 4) through the stem "I feel most successful in PE when ...” Respondents were also requested to indicate on a 5-point Likert scale ranging from 1 - "strongly disagree" to 5 - "strongly…show more content…
They are: sex, age, education, marital status, occupation, and personal income, frequency and times of Crossfit participation. The options of question 6 - personal income were followed the Quarterly Report on General Household Survey (QRGHS) of Hong Kong Census and Statistics Department to set the range. The QRGHS showed that the medium of monthly employment salary for Hong Kong people is HK$10,500, so the range of the 6 options used “HK$10,500” to be the median to setup, and the option 3 suggested from “$9,501 to $11,500”, that is $1,000 less and more than $10,500, so they have adjusted using $2000 as a unit. (i.e. the middle option is $ 9,501 - $11,500; the lower is $7,501 – $9,500 and the upper is $11,5001 – $13,500). All these background information can be very important to help to identify the finding and get results, so those 9 items are placed in to the part of questionnaire. The original questionnaire of PMQ (Gill, Gross and Huddleston, 1983) and TEOSQ (Duda and Whitehead, 1998) were in English

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