Analysis Of Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening By Robert Frost

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I have read many written works that speak to me in some certain way. I have now come across another that has set out details and certain specifics for me to relate to either physically or mentally. This written piece is a work of poetry called “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” by Robert Frost. This poem starts relating to me by the words in the title. Then it transitions with more relation with simple imagery comparing to my inner emotion and kinesthetic feelings. Reading on, I felt that all I had to do was close my eyes, and I would be there. When Frost wrote this work of poetry, he claimed that he could write this poem on one page with forty footnotes (Greenberg and Hepburn 12). This speaks to me that he could bring up multiple memories about each and every short set of words. As for me, only a few parts truly stand out to me, but there are still statements that put me into an excited mental state.…show more content…
As soon as I see that word, I begin to see a mystical wonderland of the soft, chilling flakes floating to the ground. I imagine being bundled up with layers of warm clothes trying to stay away from Jack Frost’s wisp of freezing wind. I can feel winter. I can always close my eyes and place myself out into an open field to sense the full presence of snow and ice. One of Frost’s lines is “To watch his woods fill up with snow.” This reminds me when a few years back in the winter I would go behind my house and cross a creek to get to the woodsy area. I would walk a short distance past the white-topped branches and then come to a stop to just listen to the environment around me. Being in this chilling moment completes my life for

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