Storm Water Management Case Study

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1.1 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM A lot of studies have been carried out on Yenagoa City by government and individuals concerning flooding and storm water management but none of the studies have provided effective strategy for storm water management in the city (Yenagoa Master Plan, (2004) and Yenagoa City Development Strategy (2007). If the city flooding remains unchecked challenges such as environmental degradation (erosion and biodiversity loss), public health issues (pollution and contamination of surface and underground water), and socio-economic issues (loss of lives, distortion of livelihoods and properties and displacement of people) will be exacerbated. Therefore, there is an urgent need to address this urban menace. Hence, this study…show more content…
This study has both theoretical and practical implications. Theoretically, the study is contextualized as an inter-disciplinary study of planning in relation to storm water management and urban development strategies in environmental management and planning in Yenagoa City. This research is established upon the identification of the literature gap between planning theory and storm water management in relation to city development, specifically planning approaches, policy implementation, stakeholder interactions, and efficacy of storm water management in environmental management and planning. Findings from the study will add perspectives to existing discussions in the literature and storm water management in Yenagoa. Hence, the study will contribute to the state-of-the-art discussions on urban planning and storm water management practice and to the studies of applied research on urban management and planning in general. Practically, the research results in policy recommendations for improvement of storm water management in Yenagoa City to mitigate the negative effects of flooding in the city and to achieve a sustainable and environmentally friendly urban…show more content…
HUMAN-MADE DISASTER: This is a disruption of the functioning of any community or society caused by human action and or failure. LANDUSE: This is the various uses land is put to e.g. residential, commercial, industrial, recreational, agricultural and administrative (institutional) (Renewal, et al, 2009). PLUVIAL FLOODING: This is the type of flood caused by rainfall in an environment. RUNOFF: The water that moves across the surface of the land and enter a river system (Enger, et al, 2006). SETTLEMENT: The act of populating a place with permanent residents or becoming a permanent resident in a place (Encarta Dictionary, 2009). STORM WATER: storm water as the water channelled into a large drain built to carry away excess water from a road during heavy rain. (Encarta Dictionary, 2009). STORM WATER MANAGEMENT: This is the process of collecting, storing, treating and discharging of storm water into water bodies (Wikipedia, 2016). SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: Using renewable resources in harmony with the ecological systems to produce a rise in real income per person and an improved standard of living for everyone (Enger, et al,

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