Cost Containment In Health Care

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Furthermore, themes like accountability in health care, organizational reform, rationing and priority setting, and cost containment were discussed in the book regarding the health care reform. (Gooijer, 2007, p.225) Cost sharing measures on the demand side of healthcare have hardly resulted in cost containment mainly because of many detailed exemption regulations that came with the introduction of the reform measures. On the supply side cost containment has led to a negative influence on the equality principle. (Gooijer, 2007) The regulatory measures imposed by the government has made the administration slower. Regardless of the staff, methods, and money that went into quality improvements, the outcome hasn’t been overwhelming. (Gooijer, 2007)…show more content…
First, the government should (re)appreciate healthcare’s contribution to the economy. Second, the government should reconsider the effectiveness of one size fits all regulation. Third, the government should realize the importance of incentives on entrepreneurial behaviour. (Gooijer, 2007) Fourth, medical professionals should openly talk about the limitations of their trade. Fifth, training in communication skills should be included in the training programmes. Sixth, Medical professionals working in hospitals should be obliged to practice in conformity with clinical guidelines, unless they have permission to work in other ways. (Gooijer, 2007) Seventh, Top manager should be appointed on qualification basis. Eight, in the recruitment process attention should be paid to matching the potential of top manager with the other members at the top of the organization. Ninth, Top managerial appointments should be available for only a certain period, so changes can be made if required. (Gooijer,…show more content…
For instance; he mentions the change in the healthcare climate in the EU countries after 1970’s. he writes “Change in the swing to the left came to an end in the 1970s, when government came to be seen as an impediment to sound economic development and individual freedom. One government after another shifted to the right side of the continuum, a process which is still ongoing. Neo-liberal politics began to rule government, and there is opposition to Keynesian economics and state socialism.” The swing he is talking about is the swing between two extremes i.e. the right and the left. He writes that entire climate of healthcare policies started to move to right and the left side didn’t exist. Therefore, this change in the system led to an ongoing, unstoppable movement towards the right side. i.e free market and neo-liberalism. (Gooijer, 2007,

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