Team Approach In Healthcare

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Team Approach The idea of working in teams has gained momentum throughout multiple industries, including healthcare. Martin and Finn (2011) identify the formulation of interdisciplinary teams and the inclusion of patients and caregivers as two types of reforms impacting the shifting healthcare industry. The essence of implementing a team approach in the healthcare setting is to strengthen collaboration, encourage the sharing of knowledge, intensify accountability, and to diminish healthcare fragmentation, resulting in greater patient satisfaction and improved quality of care (Martin & Finn, 2011). As organizations seek to introduce team approaches to healthcare, several concepts should be considered. Five tools for establishing and leading…show more content…
With these factors in mind, rural areas are facing increased healthcare disparities in terms of access to quality care as well as coordination of quality care. What methods can be employed to introduce a team approach to meeting the needs of rural populations in terms of primary, chronic, and acute care? For example, an individual develops an acute illness requiring hospitalization in an intensive care setting. The local hospital offers an intensive care but does not have an physician intensivist or well-trained critical care nurses on staff. Yet, to transport the patient would remove the patient from all family access and support, and would further isolate the individual form the patient’s primary care…show more content…
However, it is widely accepted that the role of gender in a team approach is affected by traditional hierarchical standards implicated by the greater number of males in high-level healthcare positions (Chattopadhyay, George, & Shulman, 2008). However, one of the unanticipated aspects of gender and virtual teams is the decreased influence of gender on role identification, thus, creating a more equal distribution of responsibilities and team centered interactions with less emotional conflict (Chattopadhyay et al., 2008). Therefore, the role of gender in a virtual or telemedicine team approach to healthcare may be inconsequential, resulting in better team member interactions, trust, and communication due to less emphasis on traditional role identifications associated with

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