Corporate Social Responsibility In The Body Shop

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The concept of corporate social responsibility The modern sources of corporate social responsibility (CSR) reach back to the 1960s. According to Davis (1973, p.312), the concept of is “the firm’s considerations and response to issues beyond the narrow economic, technical, and legal requirements of the firm to accomplish social (and environmental) benefits along with the traditional economic gains which the firm seeks”. Moreover, Carroll (1979) defines that CSR includes four dimensions namely economic, legal, ethical and discretionary. This definition seems to be in harmony with the triple P concepts of People, Plant and Profit. During the last few decades, CSR has received increased attention, a large variety of different CSR definitions have…show more content…
According to Girod (2003), some authors build a research case of why CSR is an essential issue for the retail organizations by adopting a conceptual approach and others focus on the retailers’ perspective to make an active effort to certificate the influence of CSR. Additionally, in 2011, CSR has ranked as the crucial issue by managers in the Global Retail Sector (The Consumer Good Forum, 2011). The Body Shop as one of the biggest global cosmetic manufacturer and retailer has long been regarded as an example of social and environmental responsibility. Actually, the company was considered as the 27th most respected company in the world, as a result of the organization supports environmental groups, engages in socially responsible activities and against human rights abuses (Jones et al.,…show more content…
Meanwhile, it is an important element of business leading to consumer loyalty to improve corporate reputations (Maignan et al., 2005). According to the Millennium Poll with 25,000 respondents in 23 countries MORI (2000) reveals that the relationship between organization’s responsible behavior and customer’s perception, attitudes and loyalty, the most commonly mentioned factors affecting the view held by consumers considering a company involves to community commitment, ethics, the environment etc.. Recent surveys (European Commission, 2009) show that the majority of customers care about the responsible activities of a company and that a large share of those is willing to concerns enterprises’ socially responsible conduct in their purchase decision. Furthermore, customers of the Body Shop state that they would like to pay a higher price for “green” products that produced in a socially and environmentally responsible way, majority of them would pay 5 percent surcharge, while only few would accept 15 percent more (SevenOneMedia,

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