Mario Sepulveda Analysis

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Some individuals from the group of miners have also shown leadership in their own ways. Mario Sepulveda was one of them who undisputably contributed a lot in their survival period. It was mentioned by him that his experience in military helped him handle the group, since the miners have different personalities. He portrayed a big role in stabilizing orderliness and morality. In the end part of the movie, he himself described and enacted what a leader is: “ A leader makes sure you don’t starve. A leader keeps the light on. A leader never gives up.” When offered a book deal and disclosed sum, he chose not to sign it because of his fellow miners whom he regarded as brothers. He was selfless and humble enough to acknowledge that he was not solely responsible for their survival. He stated that if they are to stay brothers, they would have to pull together to get out from the ground. He even apologised to them. In addition, Lucho Urzúa the team leader had also shown humility. Although he somewhat failed to portray the right attitude of a leader, his care for his fellow miners was remarkable. He believed that he was responsible for the safety of everyone, especially when he knew all along that the mountain was completely unstable. He was the last miner to be rescued and brought to the surface. I am sorry. Three magical words that when spoke with…show more content…
Despair, struggles and loneliness are what they have. Some, when not given attention, tend to commit suicide making them literally settle a permanent life beneath the earth. Hence, an individual must not keep embracing these negativities because life is too precious to waste. It also a sad reality that sometimes, people just remember that they have God only in times of hardships. People just cling to God in the darkest times of their lives. This make God look like an emergency hotline. However, regardless of this, He will always be there for

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