Core Values In Education

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“It has long been recognised that schools have a strong influence in the formation of our identities and do make a difference to the lives of the people they touch” (Mulcahy, 2000). If school has such a powerful impact on one’s identity, then it is vital that schools are clear on what values they are imparting on their pupils from day to day. In an increasingly pluralist society, it is more important than ever to explore what determines core values in Irish education. Alexander (2009) firmly believed that ‘intelligent faith can be cultivated by engaging religious traditions from both the ‘inside’ and the ‘outside’ and that liberal societies should be sufficiently pluralistic to allow, even encourage, this to transpire.’ Catholic schools and…show more content…
It believes that the human person is created in God’s image and it views the person as a union of body and soul. Regarding children, this philosophy is of the belief that God gives children the freedom to resolve the meaning of life in response to God’s presence in their life. Failure and sin are recognised as part of life and there is emphasis on the forgiveness, mercy and compassion of God (Hession, 2015). Unlike the Catholic philosophy, the Educate Together philosophy of education takes its understanding of the human person from social science. Children are seen as independent individuals who have the right to make their own decisions. Children’s beliefs and religions are acknowledged and respected but there is no reference to the after-life (Hession, 2015). The Catholic philosophy of education forms its understanding of the meaning and purpose of life based on the assumption that there is a transcendent reality and that God is the deepest meaning of everything (Hession,…show more content…
In order to achieve ‘wholeness’, this also includes a transcendent dimension. Education in this sense aims to uncover the ultimate purpose of life and the way in which God wants us to live our lives. Another goal of education is to allow one to discover the gift of personal freedom. This philosophy of education also considers it important to shape children into good citizens in a democratic society, citizens of the world and members of the Church. The Catholic philosophy of education also places emphasis on certain values and virtues such as wisdom, contemplation, distinctiveness, openness, inclusiveness, forgiveness, compassion, interdependence, love of one’s neighbour, self-sacrifice, value of tradition, autonomy through faith and acceptance of religious authority (Hession,

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