Statement Of Purpose In Computer Engineering

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Technological world has always puzzled me ever since my childhood. Any device that I see around intrigues me. I wondered how people could broadcast news in radio to such long distances and how television is able to display live images that are happening miles away. In addition to all these, when the use of computer has become popular in late 20th century, it intensified my quest towards learning the mysteries that technology holds. That’s when I have decided to become an engineer. During my Under Graduation in electronics, I had subjects such as C and Computer science lab in our curriculum. Right from my childhood I have had strong basics of mathematics and science, this made me understand the logical concepts in computer science very easily. The way go about the task of programming by think of an algorithm and follow it step by step is methodical and mathematics is inherent in everything that follows.…show more content…
This reason urged me to take the electronics as a major in my under graduate level at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, which is recognized as one of the best educational institutes in Kerala. My university offers a vast variety of subjects such as embedded systems, Microcontrollers and control engineering which gave me strong foundation in these streams. My ardent interest and dedication enabled me to secure good grades in all these subjects. Now I am planning to do my specialization in computer science which evolves almost every day. Computer science has huge scope of research and innumerous inventions yet to invent. Nevertheless to say United States is leading computer technological developer and gives first priority to research in all its universities, I would like to be a part of the this
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