Hong Kong Cultural Identity

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Transfer of sovereignty over Hong Kong from United States back to China since 1997. The social identification of Hong Kong citizens, especially adolescents, between before and after 1997 is poles apart.CNN has posted ‘Hong Kong to Chinese shoppers: Go home’ a few months ago. This news was about the conflicts between HongKongers and Mainlanders. It shows many Hong Kong residents do not feel they are Chinese. However, it is not only due to Hong Kong-Mainland conflict problem, but also related to the national identification. The national identification can affect the sense of belonging, whether people feel they are connecting with the community. To create sense of belonging to China, Hong Kong government take steps on the nation’s development…show more content…
Personally, I haven’t study in Chinese History as a core subject in secondary school. It might one of the main reasons that I cannot build up connection with our motherland. Due to lack of history knowledge, I am even not clear about the whole history of China. Besides, “One country, two systems” has published when I was young. Hong Kong is independence without intervene by China under this system. Thus, it is hard to have more sympathetic response and self-esteem of being a Chinese. According to my case, my self-identification of Chinese is low. But does it mean learn Chinese history can increase sense of belonging? Though this research can evidence the relationship between Chinese History and sense of belongings to China and is related. Second, the national identification of changes may lead to a shift in culture and core values in the society. In these few years, the Hong Kong-mainland conflicts have exacerbated the phenomenon of low acceptance on national belonging. Lee and Cheung reported that China was gravely concerned about Hong Kong resident lack a sense of national identity and points out people have the lower sense of belonging to China at a young age, which the average for being a "Hong Kong citizen" was 81.7 - the highest since the handover. Under this situation, people are educating Chinese History to build up the national belonging. Hong Kong residents…show more content…
Academicians had already reignited debate about Hong Kong and China’s issues in these few years. The concept of “national identification” is an ambiguous topic as Compare with other countries, Hong Kong is an exception case in the values of national belonging. Because related to the history before handover of Hong Kong to China. After 150 years from United States to China, Hong Kong people even have fewer sense on belong to a nation. Thus, HongKonger’s sense of belonging to China has sparked a frenzy of discussion in academia. Mathews, Ma and Lui examining the complex sociocultural relationship that affect the national belongings. They points out education is an effective way to build the identification of Chinese to students. From teaching of national identity, it is better change the subject which relevant to national identity into core subject. Not only Mathews, Ma and Lui have comment on the nation identification of Hong Kong, but also an outpouring of view from different academicians. Therefore, national belonging from educate in Hong Kong is the talk of the town to academicians and Hong Kong

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