Occupational Therapy Code Of Conduct Analysis

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Each profession has a code of ethics which reflects their values and beliefs. This helps ensure that the core principles of every profession are upheld and give professionals guidelines to follow when they are interacting with clientele, customers, co-workers, and performing their job. (S. Statz, 2015) Specifically the occupational therapy code of ethics has seven core values which guide people in this profession. (AOTA, 2015) Because many occupational therapy clients are usually somehow physically impaired many of the core principles of this code of ethics revolve around the idea of inclusion, nondiscrimination, and equality of clientele. By including ideas such as altruism, equality, justice, and dignity, AOTA is able to better ensure that the clientele working in this profession will feel safe and heard, helping to avoid any legal cases or…show more content…
These standards of conduct often reflect the seven core principles in a more detailed manner, and unlike the core principles these standards of conduct can be enforced. Failure to follow these standards of conduct could lead to suspension or loss of one’s license. The standards of conduct include defending the rights of others, preventing and removing harm, avoiding behaviors that might harm others, protect confidential information, treat client’s based on their wishes and needs, and keeping commitments, among other things. These help ensure that the clients get the best possible care and are able to receive the maximum benefits of their treatments. The six standards of conduct also require professionals in this field to have some form of continuing education, in order to maintain their competence, and to report any potential situations where one might not be competent or able to perform their job well. All of these standards help ensure that the integrity of the occupational therapy profession is

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