What Is Women's Factor That Affect Cooperative Membership

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5.2. RECOMMENDATION Based on the empirical results of this study the researcher provides the following recommendations with regard to the participation of women’s factor that affect in cooperative membership. The researcher believes that giving attention and in-depth analysis of the following recommendations can increase women’s participation in cooperatives. Cooperative, as opposed to other type of endeavor, has to pay notice to the member’s interests and needs and give special role to them. Members often perceive cooperative as having high despite of business ethics, including equal opportunity. Therefore, in order to be a focus for new members and trusty clients, cooperatives should obtain advantage of such kind. Since it is confirmed…show more content…
Basically, in order to increase the level of members’ participation in co-operatives, it is evident that creating awareness among the members through suitable techniques such as; formal, informal or group training must be considered as important activity, in order to raise the members believe in the philosophy and strength of cooperation. Providing awareness on extension service should be concentrated up on nearest to households of women because of the time constraints. Equitable participation of members both men and women is necessary for long live cooperative development. Active and equitable participation in cooperative perspective is members both men and women are involved in all activities of cooperative including membership, assigning in committee position, attracting new member, and so on. Thus, in order to develop sustainable and continual cooperative, cooperative societies and cooperative promotion office and also women affairs should given special consideration to enhance women’s participation in cooperative progress at all…show more content…
This is because of different reasons those predicted in this study (perception, awareness, culture and socio-economic factors) that account 61.4% and others not included in this study that take a hand of 38.6%. So, cooperative should do more on humanizing the performance of cooperative in terms of changing perception of society by creating awareness on those perception and awareness problem mentioned in this study and other hinders to change attitude of societies from backward cultural believes. This study also showed work burden responsibility of women in house hold as well as agricultural activities. Thus, women affairs and other considerable body should work more here and take consideration and give training and community conversation program on women’s right and equality and then develop attitudinal change and confidence of women to improve their loyalty. Cooperative promotion and expansion office must design support mechanisms to promote an exchange of experiences and good practices for members of

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