Consumer Protection Act Case Study

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International Comparisons of the Consumer protection Act To have a complete understanding of the Consumer Protection Act in India, it is important to place to it in a global context and compare it to similar Acts in other countries to see where it excels and where it falls short. In this endeavour we chose Brazil and Australia as countries whose law to study. Brazil was chosen because it is also an emerging economy like India and is in similar state of development hence a comparison between equals would be fruitful. Australia was chosen for comparison because it is a developed country with the most recent Consumer Protection Legislation and hence would reflect modern day considerations. Brazil Brazil based its consumer protection legislation…show more content…
Australia The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) is the regulatory body for consumer protection in Australia. It is an independent authority of the Australian government which was established in 1995. Roles and Responsibilities • The ACCC is the sole administering body for both competition law and Consumer Act law. • It is in charge of regulations of energy and telecommunication industries. • It also regulates certain industries by providing access to national infrastructure. • It is responsible for educating both businesses and consumers about the various rights and responsibilities that the consumers have under the act. • ACCC maintains a website that lists all the product recalls and the respective organisations assist ACCC with the surveillance of the product. • For consumer protection in financial services the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, another body has the responsibility. Rights given to consumers • unfair contract terms, covering standard form consumer contracts • consumer rights when buying goods and…show more content…
• The interactive repair, replace, refund problem solver helps to understand consumer rights Penalties Mechanism • Punishable with imprisonment for a term not be less than 1 month but to 3 years, or with fine of Rs. 2000 - 10000 or with both • The various forums have the power of Judicial Magistrate for the trial of offences • Cancellation of the license permit • Closing down or temporary suspension of the activity • Administrative intervention • Fine is graduated according to the seriousness of the infraction • Maximum possible fine is the larger of A$1.1 M for

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