Capacity Building Case Study

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Capacity building refers to where organisations contribute part of their profits to the needy people. Population benefits from both physiological and literacy needs offered by many companies in South Africa. These activities are provided in order to expand the organisations or even to make the population aware of situations around them. In this case study, capacity building is provided by Steve Biko Foundation in order to make individuals know and express their value, potential and learn how to be able to learn and use their basic skills in their personal and work life. Corporate social responsibility is the continuing commitment by business to behave ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the quality life o the…show more content…
To help the population, country get more literate people. This will also lead to the population creating good business environments or opportunities in the country, leading to employment for the rest of the population. There are seven principles of Corporate Social Responsibility that guide managers of an organisation: 1. Companies are economic institutions run for profit This means that organisation form part of a county and their profit is an advantage for both the enterprise and the government as they will both get profit and taxes(government). Companies have to show their responsibility by contributing to the society and protecting the environment could be one as well. In the case study, SBF is contributing through vocational training, business and entrepreneurial skills provided to the population in order they stand up on their own and know how to deal with or take opportunities around them. Enterprises should take into consideration that social objectives must not be expected if the latter do not have financial…show more content…
Customary international law tell us about the negotiations South Africa, that is a national executive makes when the other party is signing agreements. Customary international law is law in the republic unless it is inconsistent with the Constitution or an Act of Parliament. ( ) Last accessed 11/04/2016 23:39 Department: International Relations and Cooperation, Republic of South Africa (Legal advice and inputs to the South African Government as a whole on international law to ensure that international agreements are not in conflict with international law or with South Africa’s international obligations) - ( ) When interpreting any legislation, every court must prefer any reasonable interpretation of the legislation that is consistent with international law over any alternative interpretation that is inconsistent with international law. TO REEDIT BEFORE PRINTING !! (By Prof Neville Botha Department of Constitutional and Public International Law, University of South

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