Tiger Supermarkets Case Study

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• Store Managers Tiger Supermarkets believes that development and training is the foundation of organizational success. Store managers’ training will commence with a one-hour orientation of Tiger Supermarkets and its outlets. Step-by step video tapes and manuals will be played during the training session to ensure the six selected store managers comprehend their roles. The six store managers will also be given a structured development program after completing the initial training. All employees are subjected to a 21days probation period, where the employer evaluates their performance such as personal attitude, teamwork, standard of work, and focus on customers. After completing this period, employees must achieve a “satisfactory” competency…show more content…
They will be taken through a one-hour orientation of Tiger Supermarkets and given video tapes and manuals to ensure they comprehend their role. On-the-job training, classroom instruction, computer based training, team training, and action learning training and development methods will be administered gradually to improve their personal development and performance at the organization. Managing Employee’s Performance Performance management is the process that unites performance appraisal, goal setting and development into a common system aimed at ensuring that workers performance is supporting the firm’s strategic objectives (Armstrong and Taylor, 2014). Managing employees’ performance helps in evaluating the effectiveness of employees training, feedback and performance appraisal and set standards on how workers performance should be and is aiding in attainment of the organization’s goals (Pynes, 2009). Managing employees’ performance requires setting SMART goals that derive value for the company in the area of strategic planning. At Tiger Supermarket, managing employees’ performance is a crucial process in the attainment of the desired performance of its workers in order to remain competitive in the retail industry. Performance reviews will be conducted…show more content…
The tool requires listing of traits and assigning of weights based on the given rating scale. This tool will enable Tiger Supermarket to comprehend the extent to which store manager, distribution driver and warehouse worker exhibits each desired trait.  Mixed standard scale This tool will be used to collect a score from drivers, store managers, and warehouse workers about traits such as quality performance, communication, creativity, and problem solving. The final score will aid the HR manager to understand individuals with the highest and lowest scores in the predetermined attributes. The HR manager will guide those with the lowest cost on how to improve specific attributes and consequently their performance.  Behavioral observation

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