Carbohydrates In Food

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Carbohydrates Carbohydrates are primarily an energy source. Complex carbohydrates, such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains also provide fibre in the diet. Simple carbohydrates are found in sugars and starches. Carbohydrates provide most of the energy in almost all human diets. In the diets of poor people, especially in the tropics, up to 90 percent of the energy may come from this source. Carbohydrates in food are divided into two categories. The first comprises available carbohydrates which can be digested in the upper gastrointestinal tract of man, absorbed and utilized as energy. These are the sugars, and certain polysaccharides such as starch. Honey is a pleasant attractive food. At many times in the past it has acquired a…show more content…
Red kidney beans and baked beans are commonly eaten foods and they are a healthy source of slow releasing carbohydrates. Children often like simple beans on toast and this dietary habit should be encouraged for children and young people. Red kidney beans can be incorporated in various recipes such as chilli con carne, chilli fiesta or Mexican beef stew (See recipes). Cheap, available or fast releasing carbohydrates is one of the major causes of the obesity problem which is becoming critical verging of an epidemic. It is difficult to change the habits of a lifetime, but it’s a good start to avoid white sugar and white flour in the form of cakes, biscuits, white bread, white sugar in tea or coffee and sugary soft drinks. Some people would think that this would be more difficult than giving up smoking. It certainly is challenging, but the obesity crisis has become such a challenge that it is becoming a choice of life or death. Doctors will not perform routine operations such as a hysterectomy or a hip replacement unless the patient loses the weight first. In rural African society they have the lower incidence of bowel diseases such as appendicitis, colitis, diverticulitis and bowel cancer in the world as they eat 55 grams of unavailable carbohydrate per day compared to the U.K. average of only 22 grams…show more content…
It is extremely difficult to lose significant weight through exercise. A half-hour of energetic bicycling, for instance uses up 200 – 280 calories which you put right back on by eating an ice cream. Activity/Exercise 120 pound 160 pound Woman Man (Calories) (Calories) Badminton 180-220 220-260 Baseball 160-200 200-240 Basketball 300-400 400-600 Bicycling moderately 100-120 120-140 Bicycling energetically 200 – 230 280 – 320 Bowling 80-120 100-140 Canoeing 100-150 130-180 Carpentry, workbench 120 – 140 140 – 180 Climbing stairs 130 – 160 160 – 190 Cooking, active 60 – 90 80 – 110 Dancing moderately 100 – 130 130 – 170 Dancing energetically, disco 200 – 400 250 – 500 Dishwashing by hand 60 – 90 80 – 110 Dressing, undressing 30 – 50 30 – 60 Driving auto 50 – 60 60 – 75 Dusting energetically 80 – 100 80 – 110 Exercising moderately 140 – 170 180 – 220 Football 250 – 300 300 – 400 Gardening, active 120 – 140 140 – 180 Golf, no cart 100 – 140 130 – 170 Golf, with cart 70 – 90 80 – 110 Handball 200 – 350 300 – 400 Hockey field ice 250 – 350 300 –

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