Concussions In Sports

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Do All Students Have Rights To Recover? All or most institutions are responsible for their players during any sports events. In the occasion that a concussion occurs on the field, protocol must be in order to monitor the safety of the student. Colleges have protocols for students that have acquired a concussion but’s only limited to the students that obtained that concussion while playing on a NCAA level or college team. It seems that colleges only care about their athletes that are playing for their school name rather than at a club level or non-NCAA team. The concussion management protocol was never stated in this paper about how it varies for students on the way they had gotten the concussion. The protocol would therefore be the same for…show more content…
If students obtain a concussion during a pick-up or backyard version of toss, would they be allotted the time off to recover just like these athletes? What if the concussion is not from a sports injury? Would the students have the same support from teachers and possibly have contact with the school trainers? It seems as if this paper was too centered on the NCAA students-athletes returning to play, and not for any student who may have obtained a…show more content…
Research was only taken from students 17-23 years old. (Hall 291) First off, the study is too focused with their age group. The reason for this importance is that the brain is still developing during the younger years of life. If a concussion occurred during this time, a potential change is results could occur and could change how the brain further develops. It is important to realize that these 17-23 year old might think they are adults, but in fact, your brain still develops into your early 20’s. This paper had very little to offer in terms of what gender they were studying and how their results varied. This shows a missing part of the data collected, therefore I believe the data is incomplete. The article has lots to offer at the superficial level of concussion management. I believe that the biggest methodical problems with this paper was the improper control over what non-NCAA team players would be covered and can use this concussion management protocol. It was unclear to whom the coverage of this would be allotted to, such as younger or older students non at the college level yet. The biggest critique with this paper, I believe, is they talked about long term effects of concussions but they has no data or text about the results of this protocol being in place. This is very disturbing and believe that this paper was release pre maturely. It could have been a great paper if this study taken was reflective

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