Sports Concussions

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Sports Commentators When analyzing within a certain genre, characteristics such as the: intended audience, purpose, sub-topics, designs, styles, linguistic patterns, upon many other characteristics, were very similar if not identical to other the sub-genres. While analyzing the specific genre of Sports Commentary, it quickly became evident that it is in fact not a genre but a sub-genre to Broadcasting. Sports Commentators play an essential part of Sports Broadcasting. Typically, there are two – three commentators who sit in different areas of the field to gain the best insight of the game. The two main Sports Commentators are the play-by-play commentator and the analysis commentator. Play-by-play commentators, the primary reporters, are…show more content…
Sports commentators are not only there to further analyze the game and a player’s thoughts but can act as a translator for those who are ignorant about a certain sport. For example, there was once a girl named Gabi Brooks who was dragged by her friend, who was originally from a northern state, to a hockey game. She was skeptical about going because Hockey in Texas is as rare as snow, occasionally heard of but never seen. After watching her first Hockey game she felt that she knew even less about Hockey than she did before. She understood the concept of teamwork to score goals but did not understand reasoning to why the players were doing what they were doing. A few weeks later, she watched the same Hockey team play on TV. Unlike her first experience, there were commentators who explained each player’s move and from time to time would analyze why each player made said move. Sports Commentators are an essential tool to help sports fans, or even first-time viewers, further comprehend the game. As viewers, it is expected that Sports Commentators, like many forms of Broadcasting, remain professional and serve as a background tool to the game rather than being the main…show more content…
In Sports Commentary, everything is fast- paced and is essential in improving the viewing of sports on a TV. A good commentator has the knowledge and ability to add in interesting facts or stories at the right moment during a sporting event. These moments can enhance the viewers experience as a whole. Typically, this sub-genre of Broadcasting is designed so that each person has a higher knowledge in a certain field. This avoids repetition or incorrect analysis of the game/ plays. The commentator usually presents their information in historical present tense, present tense when narrating past events. For Sports Commentators, it is rare that they are seen more than a few seconds on screen during the game, though they may have segments in the beginning and end of the game where they can share their own predictions and opinions. Because many of these Commentators are so passionate about the sport they are commentating on, it often has an effect on the viewers as

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