Customer Service Literature Review

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Nicole Marren 26062585 Homework 2 Literature review Customer service in the business environment According to (Gibson, 2011:5) customer service consists of two main factors: Customer satisfaction, and the quality of services delivered to fulfil customer needs. These two factors of customer service are determined by the service experiences consumers endure and face (Gibson, 2011:16). The quality of services are equivalent to a business’ dedication, ability, skills, and willingness to provide and strive for the best possible quality service to every customer repeatedly (Gibson, 2011:16). Any business in any industry should understand that there is a significant difference between services and quality services (Gibson 2011:8). Gibson (2011:16)…show more content…
Customer experiences in the business environment According to Watkinson (2012) customer experiences include all activities consisting of the interaction and communication between the business and the customer. Shaw and Ivens (2002:viii) state that customer experiences play a crucial role in the function of a company as it leads to retention, word-of-mouth and loyalty. Shaw and Ivens (2002: xi) states that because most aspects of a business could be similar, the quality of services delivered to the customer thus become a differentiating factor. The main goal of successful and positive customer experiences is customer retention; therefore to deliver an experience so positive that customers keep coming back which leads to customer loyalty (Shaw, Ivens 2002: xiv). (Murphy, Raghavan: 2016) States that customer experiences consists of the following…show more content…
Annabi, H. 2002. Customer knowledge management. Journal of the Operational Research society, 53(8): 875-884 Malcom, P. 1990. Customer service. Date of access: 28 March 2018 Murphy, J., Raghavan, R. 2016. 5 Constructs that shape customer retention. Date of access: 27 March. 2018 Parasuraman, A., Leonard, L., Berry and Valarie, A. 2018. Understanding customer expectations of service. Date of Access: 27 March. 2018 Shaw, C. Ivens, J. 2002. Building great customer experiences. Palgrave Macmillan. p (viii-xiv) Teresa A, Swartz, Stephen W & Brown. 1989. Consumer and provider expectations and experiences in evaluating professional service quality. Journal of The Academy of Marketing Science,
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