Conclusion On Human Trafficking

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Introduction & Background In the modern society, there is a consistent increase in criminal activities around the world. These activities include drugs, technology, humans and many more, and it is decreasing the value of our society. Amongst these criminal activities, human trafficking has been and is the most devastating issue. Basically human trafficking is an upgraded version of slavery which existed from ancient times to the present day. Although slavery is no longer legal in any parts of the world, human trafficking remains as one of the biggest problem in our society increasing its revenue annually. Human trafficking is an activity that involves trading of human beings, for the purpose of: organ theft, forced labor, sexual slavery…show more content…
Asia and developing countries (Asia-Pacific region) have the highest numbers of victims which is 11.7 million and it is increasing day by day. Average cost of trafficked people are about $90 and this could increase or decrease depending on the sex, age and effectiveness. Compared to the price of slaves in the 1800s which was about $40,000, it can be seen that victims of human trafficking are treated and considered worse than slaves from the past. There are many reasons that cause human trafficking to happen, however all of these reasons relate to money. Globally, babies and organs are sold in order to achieve money and people are taken into forced labor and commercial sexual exploitation in order to pay off their debt. This is the case for all regions, however human trafficking is done more in developing countries since they are more vulnerable than the people who are living in urban areas and they are less able to pay off their debt since working wages are far lower than private…show more content…
Given this, we can see that human trafficking does not just happen in developing countries. The United States have about fifty thousand people coming into its country illegally through human trafficking, Korea has many females being bought by commercial sexual exploitation recruiters because they cannot pay off their debt and there are stickers and banners advertising commercialization of organs in rural parts of the city or even in public transport stations. This clearly shows that it is the whole world that is the problem and a reason why we have to have a law regarding this issue is that this is a clear infringement of human rights. Human trafficking victim’s rights are invaded through coercion and exploitation which is a definite breach of Universal Declaration of human Rights. In order to prevent and decrease this issue, United Nations has made a convention known as ‘United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime’. This multilateral treaty was drafted in 2000 and came effective in 23rd September, 2003, in order to prevent transnational organized crimes and to promote cross border cooperation in tackling organized crimes. This UN sponsored convention has three main protocols: Protocol to prevent, suppress and punish trafficking in persons, especially women and children, Protocol against the
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