Human Trafficking In The Caribbean

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This study investigated how the rise of human trafficking impacted the Caribbean. The overall purpose of this study was to gain more knowledge on what can be described as the silent crime of the Caribbean, human trafficking in order to develop a strong base to be able to tackle this crime in the future and so that society can be more understanding of trafficked victims, which would end stigmitization against survivors when they return to society. The Caribbean countries that were put on the tier 2 list, how persons become trafficked victims and the demographics who are more susceptible to becoming victims were explored. From this study it could be concluded that the rise of human trafficking in the Caribbean has created a sense of vulnerablitiy,…show more content…
This crime is the wrongdoing of human trafficking, with the majority of victims being women, which is one among numerous violations against women that is often unmentioned, unreported and disregarded. Human trafficking can described as the world’s most shameful crime, which violates and exploits humans, often taking the form of prostitution or forced servitude and according to statistics, has been on the rise in the Caribbean. The rise of the illicit trade of human trafficking has impacted the Caribbean by creating a sense of vulnerability, causing fear and fostering the development of psychological trauma among the Caribbean…show more content…
But when researching an issue like this there is one question that stands out, which is how do persons become victims of human trafficking? The main ways a person can become a victim of human trafficking are by misleading friendships, false job advertisements, family arrangements, abductions and sham lovers. In the list of ways a person can become a victim, none of them would indicate that the eventual victim was engaged in a shady activity resulting in them becoming a victim of human trafficking, which is really alarming for the Caribbean population, as i would appear that seemingly anyone can become a victim of this crime. According to Kidane the only way this issue can be tackled is by understanding what causes trafficking, by focusing on the unemployment rates and cost of livng as the main motivating factors. (Kidane, 2011) p.

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