Nt1310 Unit 1 Assignment 1

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Asad Amir (06348447) ELEC 471 – Computer Network Assignment # 1 Monday Sept. 28, 2015 1) In a simplex operation, the network cable or communication channel can only provide information in one given direction. An example of this would be a type of satellite internet access that provides data over the satellite only for downloads, and the dial up modem is used to upload to the service provider. In this case both the satellite link and the dial-up are operating in simplex mode. In a half-duplex operation, the relative technology is able to provide information in both direction between two nodes, but at a time only one specific direction can be used. An example of this would be the press to talk radio phones in police cars. In this case, only…show more content…
The types of networks include: a. local-area networks b. home-area networks. c. wide-area networks d. metropolitan-area networks e. campus-area networks Neutrality is a term that is used to define networks which open to access for everyone. Routing is the process of moving a packet of data from one specific source to a destination. Routing allows messages to pass from one computer to another and reach the target machine and is usually performed by a router. Flow control is a method to controlling the flow of data from one device to another in order to confirm that the device receiving the data is capable of handling the incoming data. 3) The difference between TCP and UDP is that TCP is a connection-oriented protocol while UDP is a connectionless protocol. This means the when data is provided over the TCP protocol by a user and it gets lost, the receiver will request the lost part to be provided again. In UDP, there is no validation from the receiver which means that data can be lost or corrupted during the process 4) Answer: 150Mbps/8MBps = 18.75 MBps 18.75 MBps * 60 * 60 = 67,500 Mbps/hour 7GB *3 = 21,000 MB 67,500 * X = 21,000 X= 21000/67,500 = 14/45 = .3111

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