Advantages And Disadvantages Of Database System

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Introduction The database is the collection of interrelated data which are organized and can be processed by one or more application programs. Advantages of using a Database Mainly a database is used to controlling redundancy in data storage. Also, it’s restrict unauthorized access, Backup and Recovery option, providing storage structures and enforcing integrity constraints. The characteristics of a database are as follows • Structured and Described Data • Data Integrity • Transactions • Data Persistence Database Application This is known as a computerized program which is developed to entering and retrieving from a database. Classification of Database Applications  Based on Data Model used • Traditional  Hierarchical Model  Network Model…show more content…
It means a parent can have many children, but a child is not allowed to have many parents. This is the call organize data by using one to many relationship. This structure mainly implemented for IBM in their Information Management System. (IMF). The Records are connected using ‘pointers’ and the pointer tells the system where the related record is physically stored such as an URL directs us to a particular webpage. Also, each pointer establishes a Parent-Child relationship. Advantages of Hierarchical Data Model • The model makes it easy to add and remove new information. • Data on the top of the hierarchy is very fast access. • Very easy to work with the model, because it works well with linear data storage type, such as tape. • Model relates very well to natural hierarchies, such as assembly lines and workers' organizations in the society. • This also applies in the case of works by one-to-many relationship. Disadvantages of Hierarchical Data Model • They needed to re-stored data in different individuals. • The database can be very slow when searching for information on subpages. • We no longer use linear memory environments, such as tape, so that the advantage is…show more content…
The relational data model also introduces query languages provide high-level interfaces to a programming language replacement. Therefore, it was much quicker to write new queries. Finally, relational databases have become the dominant systems for database applications such as traditional databases. Now there are relational databases in almost all types of computers, small personal computers to large servers. The success of database systems in traditional applications encouraged developers of other applications to try to use them. These applications have traditionally used their own specialized file structures and data. Database Design Life cycle. Database design is a part of the System Design Life Cycle. A database is often a key component of the information system, particularly in the business-oriented systems. Database Lifecycle (DBLC) consist with followings, • Database Planning • Systems Definition • Requirements Collection and Analysis • Database Design • Database Management System
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