Advantages And Disadvantages Of Database Management System

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Fundamentals of Database Management Systems Database Management System is a software package/ system to facilitate the creation and maintenance of a computerized database. Evolution of Database Management Systems The revolution of database management systems were began on mid-1960s. Before that data was stored as paper records. It contributes a lot of disadvantages. Because of that people used to search another way to store their important data more safely and easily. As a result of that file-based system was introduced. It is easier to handle data with file based systems than using paper records. File – Based Systems “File-based system is a collection of application programs that perform services for the system end-users such as the production…show more content…
In hierarchical database system the parent – child relationship between records is the technology which used to reduce the disadvantages such as taking more time to store records and access records. The origin of the data is called as the root from which several branches have data at different level and the final or the last level is called as the leaf. The main disadvantage of the hierarchical database system was if there is any modification and the addition should be done for the whole structure. To avoid this inconvenience the next database system, Network Database System was introduced in mid…show more content…
 Platform independence  Graphical user interface  Standardization  Cross-platform support  Transparent network access  Scalable deployment  Innovation o Disadvantages  Reliability  Security  Cost  Scalability  Limited functionality of HTML  Statelessness  Bandwidth  Performance  Immaturity of development tools Late 1990s • The large investment in Internet companies helps create a tools – market boom for Web/Internet/DB connectors. Early 21st Century • NoSQL databases are the next generation of post – relational databases. • This NoSQL databases are very fast. • Some of the most popular NoSQL databases can be listed as below.  MongoDB  Couchbase  Riak  Memcached  Redis  HBase All of this databases are open source software products. • Database applications are solidly growing continues. o Examples  Commercial Web sites     Government Systems  Bureau of citizenship and Immigration services  Bureau of the census  Art museums  Hospitals  Schools etc. • We can list some modern database management systems as below. o Oracle (Oracle Corporation) o Ingres (Computer Associates) o SQL Server (Microsoft
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