Computer Impact On Children

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Nowadays, computers have become extremely common, with nearly every child having access to one. Consequently, our children become so close to connect with computers, while they are at home, at schools or other places. Computers are one of the major technological devices used around the world. As we know, computers played a huge role in our lifestyle also in developing the civilization of the world. It is too necessary for us to know more about how computers affect and what are their impacts on our children’s life. The outcome between children and computer's relationship aims to gain many harmful and negative effects on various critical areas of a child's life; health, behavior issues and education. According to many statistics, the most children…show more content…
Computers can lead to obesity in children and other health problems, because people need to be active, rather than spend all their time on a computer. Children who used the computer daily are exposed to gain weight and be obese because children's eating and drinking habits while behind a computer. Obesity in children is linked to excessive time in front of a computer screen defined as five or more hours a day, then that means less physical activity especially outdoor activities so they not burn their calories and gain weight. In addition, children may suffer from Reports warn that repetitive-strain injuries may result when children use computers that not designed for them, and that children’s vision may be harmed from staring too long at a computer screen (children and computer technology, 2000). Also Computer used by children is common and likely to have physical, cognitive…show more content…
Loneliness and depression Children who spent more time online, use the computers to send and receive e-mail and communicating with strangers in multiuser chat rooms, they will work to increase their feelings of loneliness and depression. That’s all aim to push the child from his family and the people around him. However, that’s why they are becoming loneliness they spend all their time chatting with other people through the computer in different kind of social media (children and computer technology, 2000). Also aggression is an example of how children obtain behavior issues while they are using computers, Playing violent computer games has long been the most common computer activity for children, especially among boys has been linked to increased aggression (children and computer technology, 2000). A study has shown that popular video games found nearly 80% had aggression or violence as an objective. In addition, children may suffer from struggle to pay attention and control themselves, when children using computers may condition the brain to pay attention to multiple stimuli, they can lead to distraction and decreased memory. Therefore, children who always use search engines may become very good at finding information, but at the same time they are not very good at remembering it (DeLoatch, 2015). Computers worked to let our children confusing in

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