Compliance In Labour Law

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Compliance and Enforcement mechanism and its effectiveness to deal with the problem When the individual worker fails to assert his or her rights effectively, provisions on enforcement and compliance become very important. There have been recent initiatives that have focused on problems of enforcement and compliance with labour law, and seek to provide a suitable response. With respect to voluntary compliance with the law, there has been an emerging trend reflected in a number of declarations, Codes of practice and framework agreements between employers and workers organizations to promote compliance. In a globalized economy where corporate behaviour is closely watched by shareholders, consumers, the media and workers, these initiatives have…show more content…
But the fact is, Government itself hires more contract labour compared to the private sector. Public sector accounts for 32% of the labour force on contract whereas private sector accounts for 30%. However the average wage of contract labour in public sector is ₹185.28 which is higher than that paid by the private sector at ₹143.45. Checklist of Labour Law Compliance Establishment of statutory compliance under various labour laws has to be ensured. Returns and records are to be maintained by the employer under various labour laws, and is not limited to statutory deposits, but also to signify them in case of prosecution under various statutes. Hence, the labour related laws cast a compulsion on the employer for meticulous, impeccable and timely compliances. In case of violation or delay in complying with the statutory requirements, the consequences in terms of levy of damages, prosecution is inevitable. A checklist to check compliance of labour laws is given hereunder. Legislation Objective & Applicability Compliance…show more content…
Due to carelessness of contractors and uneducated labour workers, the organizations are not able to use this act fully when they try to implement this act. Organizations, contractors & labour workers play important role as activeness of every one make the use of this act 100%. To achieve this organizations should become conscious about the duty of the contractors on the site and make sure that they will help in making the labour worker aware about their rights and they themselves play their role efficiently. It is very necessary to establish and maintain very good relations between Contract Labour and the Organization for the effective implementation of Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act 1970. For the safer side of the labour workers government should become more active by making some things mandatory for them. By this they can get essentials and can work effectively and 100% use of this act would lead to 100% presence of the labour on the site. In addition to this no conflicts and more productivity would help in making the goodwill of the
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