Apple Vs Samsung Case Study

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2. Supplier Responsibility Report same industry but Different Countries: Apple Vs Samsung 2.1 Introduction: Supplier Responsibility is the social obligation and social expectation towards the organization to put high standards of code of conduct while maintain safe working conditions, treating worker fairly and using environmentally responsible practices in terms of improving the quality of life for their employees and their families as well as for the local community and society in general. The Companies are facing tremendous amount of pressure from their contiguous environment to act as a responsible social citizens while making profit in the business. In the age of globalization companies are became much aware about their responsibility…show more content…
Apple arrange Supplier audit regularly to prevent Child Labour. If Apple find underage workers in our suppliers’ factories, Apple make sure children return to their homes and the suppliers pay for their education at a school of their family’s choice and Apple ensure a continuous support to provide income for basic needs until they reach the legal working age. Apple also arrange a third-party organization to monitor the children’s progress and report back to Apple HR team. Once the children’s complete their education, suppliers must offer them re-employment in their factory. In 2015, Company found three cases of underage labour — and Apple will continue to look for…show more content…
(2016). Retrieved February 26, 2017, from 2.2.3 Empowering Workers: “Preparing people for the workplace and beyond” Apple suppliers have trained more than 9.25 million employees to be aware of the local laws, health and safety regulations, and the Apple Code of Conduct Since 2008. Apple requires plant supervisors to sustain proper employment policies and uphold a safe workplace, and Apple also implement different technique’s to improve communication with workers. “It’s about more than jobs. It’s about opportunities” Apple wants their workers to be successful in their factories, but Apple also wants to help them explore new opportunities. Apple developed the Supplier Employee Education and Development (SEED) program. Apple has set up classrooms in supplier facilities where employee has the opportunity to join free courses in different subjects such as computer skills, graphic design, English and human resources management. All the classrooms are equipped with Mac computers and video conferencing

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