Competency In Education

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According to Katane and Selvi (2006), competency is a set of knowledge, skills and proficiency in creating a meaningful experience when organizing an activity. Competence is best described as a complex combination of knowledge, skills, understanding, values, attitudes and desire which lead to effective, embodied human action in the world, in a particular domain (Deakin Crick, 2008). Science teacher’s competence to be a teacher should be confirmed by his/her gained knowledge, developed abilities and formed value-based orientation. The ability to plan, organize and conduct various investigations involving students is certainly one of the most important competencies (socrate, 2006). Research also points to the inseparable and mutual supporting…show more content…
Effective teaching happens if teachers have the knowledge and skill because the concept of competence in the form of laboratory activity is rooted in the ability to handle equipment and materials correctly, storing equipment and materials properly and safely, cleaning the scientific equipment in the right way, handling specimen correctly and carefully and drawing specimens, science equipments and materials accurately. Biology teachers’ competencies in organizing practical work are seen as scientific experimentation in the laboratory. To improve the quality and quantity of practical learning, biology teachers are required to master in the skills of competency, the skills to use the equipment in the laboratory and laboratory management skills and the spirit of strong will and motivation to apply practical methods in teaching and learning of biology ( Copriady, 2015).Teachers ability and wisdom in handling learning activities will have a direct impact on students’ active involvement in learning activities. A biology teacher must therefore have professional and educational competency to conduct practical…show more content…
According to Oskamp and Scshultz (2005), an attitude may be defined as a predisposition to respond in a favourable or unfavourable manner with respect to a given attitude object. Abudu and Gbadamosi ( 2014) also viewed attitude as a hypothetical construct that indicates an individual like and dislike towards an item. It may be positive, negative or neutral. They further stated that attitude is an approach, temperament, sensation, situation, etc. with regard to a person or thing: inclination or course, especially of the mind. Likewise, “Attitude can also be defined as an acquired internal state that affects individuals’ personal activity preferences towards a group of things, individuals, events and various situations” (Senemoglu, 2009 : 419). Attitude as a factor could be viewed as the totality of an individual’s inclination towards object, institution or idea (Gbore and Daramola, 2013). It is expected to be higher relationship amongst teacher competencies and attitudes because both involves that an individuals should have knowledge, understanding and skills about teaching. Koksal (2014) confirmed this by stating that general competencies and attitudes are essential to enhance the quality of the teaching profession. He further

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