Inequality In Education

1953 Words8 Pages
When people hear “civil rights” they envision the racial discrimination of African Americans between the 1950s and 1960s. However, civil rights is not just about the inequality due to the color of someone’s skin. In fact, civil rights is defined as the rights of citizens to political and social freedom and equality. The educational system in America is calling for a cry for help. The inconsistency of a good quality education throughout all the schools in the U.S. is saddening. While comparing Mann, Ellis, Kirp, and Alvarez, a similar theme about the importance of getting a good education reoccurs, not necessarily that the inequality in education is due to race or gender, but more of a quality issue. Thus the audience should notice the effects of lack of money, lack of curriculum, and citizenship on the quality of education. How much do you think the average amount of college debt is for Americans? The answer, $27,000. Ellis discusses the effects money has on going to college throughout her article,…show more content…
It is responsible for how much money you make, how much power you have, and how respected you are. Education is not equal throughout our schools in America. Each child deserves the best quality of education and the equal opportunities to succeed. Sadly, that is not the case today. The children with families who do not have a lot of money or are undocumented immigrants do not receive the same quality of education as people who are in the upper class with money who are citizens. It also accounts for how hard they have to work to get into the better colleges and universities compared to the kids whose families do have money and are well educated. Education is the most powerful tool in the world and each child should be given the equal opportunities to get it. It should not matter on the amount of money in your bank account or your citizenship status, but how much you are willing to work for

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