Coming Of Age Research Paper

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There comes a time in the life of each individual when we discover the necessity to diverge from the role of a child into a responsible adult. Many people might view this “coming of age” as a point in life, which marks a significant change. My experience shook the foundations of what I believed and allowed me to step into a role that I still occupy today. Before my mother’s stroke and subsequent heart attack, I had an incredibly carefree childhood. I had little sense of responsibility, and certainly did not consider myself filling an important role. However, after my mother had her stroke, I adopted the role of caretaker for my younger brother. Instead of acting solely for my own sake, I began to see the value in working for the benefit of others. I often served my family’s needs before my own, and I know that this has led to incredible growth in my life.…show more content…
I can remember lavish birthday parties, with decorations my mother crafter by hand. A princess castle cutout she drew for my fifth birthday, or 1O1 Dalmatians decorating the walls on my sixth. On my tenth birthday, she turned our dining room into “space”, with glowing, star covered walls. She indulged each of my childhood fantasies in stride, allowing even some of my less average obsessions to be fully explored. She would take my siblings and I on day trips to the library, to volcanoes, and to see professional figure skaters. She attempted to show us as much of the world around us as she could, she allowed us to learn ad much as we wanted. This thirst for knowledge continues today, as I still find new things to learn as often as

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