King Creon Analysis

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The Good King Creon A great leader must always answer the question, “Myself or the state?” After brothers Eteocles and Polyneices battle and kill each other over the throne of Thebes, Polyneices is branded a traitor, and Eteocles a hero. The new king, Creon declares that the traitor shall not be buried, but the Princess Antigone, by the will of the gods, decides to bury her brother. Due to the treachery of one girl, many more deaths be fall the family. Leadership is burdensome it causes pain and suffering, but leaders who’s ideals are for the benefit of the state, punish criminals as fit for the state , and balance their personal involvement and political affairs while withstanding the consequences of decisions in both, like King Creon, become great leaders. Creon’s ideals, while they may be stern, are for the benefit of the state of Thebes. Throughout his speeches and arguments in Antigone Creon displays his allegiance to the state. When Creon declares, “I…show more content…
He recognizes that those decisions may have negative effects on his personal life. When punishing a traitor to the state, his family believe it is wrong and unfair, this causes dire consequences to his familial relationships. Creon’s political stance causes him to argue with his son Haimon, “Let him do, or dream to do, more than a man can. He shall not save these girls from death.” Haimon, Creon’s son wants the traitor to be freed because they are betrothed. Creon, believes criminals must be punished, and with that the argument with his son was for the better of his people. Once news arrives of the deaths of Haimon and Eurydice, Creon’s son and wife respectively, Creon is upset and unsettled, “Lead me away,” he wails, “I have been rash and foolish.” The fate his family befalls, is sad but Creon learns from the ramifications of his decisions, knowing he had to do what he saw fit for the

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