Collocation Learning In Language Learning

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During recent years, studies have demonstrated the collocation learning and teaching usefulness in order to develop learners’ lexical competence and grammatical proficiency. Knowledge of collocations is the most basic and important part of language knowledge ( Ellis, 2001). And also, most of the researchers and teachers in the field of ESL or EFL claim collocation as a significant point in the development of language learning and teaching. As Brown (1974) states, learning collocations is useful to meet the learners’ needs of oral communication, listening comprehension, and reading speed. And also, learning collocations makes the learners aware of language chunks in native speakers’ speech and writing. According to Nattinger (1988,as cited…show more content…
There are many free corpora on the Internet available for the learners who want to know how to use a word referring to its collocation. They can explore this type of knowledge by entering the word they want to find out. Moreover, there are different methods and techniques for teachers to teach collocations directly or indirectly. Also, learners and teachers have access to computer programs helping them to develop their knowledge of collocations in the productive and receptive dimensions and overcome this sort of needs and errors. To the best of the researcher, the number of studies on using different types of blended learning instructions to improve receptive and productive knowledge of collocations in Iran is…show more content…
Blended learning brings some changes to the role of learners during the learning process. This transforms the role of the learners into active knowledge provider (Bonk and Graham, 2002). Blended learning integrates modalities (i.e. onsite, self-paced learning, and web-based), delivery media (e.g. PowerPoint); instructional methods (face- to- face or technology-based sessions), and web-based technologies (e.g. chatrooms) on the basis of the learning objectives, the content of the course, the amount of experience the teacher has, and learners characteristics including learning styles (Dziuban, Hartman, and Moskal, 2005, as cited in Gülten Koara

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