College Essay: Why I Want To After High School

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As children we are always asked what we what to “be” when we grow up. From a young age we have this pressure to make a decision on what career we want to pursuit. Very few grow up to acquire their childhood dream job. Whether it is from realization that it is not what they would enjoy or that they cannot afford to pay for the schooling. In society there are several ways to obtain a career, trade school, apprenticeship, learning on the job, or getting a college degree. Throughout growing up there seemed to be only one option that was talked about. If you want to be successful, you have to go to college and get a degree. There are many reason young adults change career fields multiple times while still attending their higher education. What career…show more content…
My dad attended college and got a bachelor’s degree. My mom took a few college course but never completed a degree. My dad’s side of the family owns a business with about ten grocery store in surrounding areas. Most of the family works there, I did while in high school. My dad always said he did not want me stuck in the family business and he wanted more for me. My mom’s side has various occupations, my grandma was a nurse and my grandpa was a firefighter. A few of my aunts and uncles had college degrees as well. Although my family is not full of college degrees, going off to college after high school seemed like it was expected of me. Family members would usually ask what colleges are you looking into, what college do you plan on attending after high school. Instead of what are your plans after high school. I went to a public high school and I remember junior and senior year the school starts pushing college down your throat. They want you to apply to different colleges, keep your GPA high, get good SAT scores. Senior year we had classes that made you apply to colleges and our senior project we had to a presentation about the process of applying to
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