Cognitive Process Therapy

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Evidence-Based Intervention Brief Intervention Name: Cognitive Process Therapy (CPT) Brief Description: CPT is an Evidence Based Intervention (EBI) which was introduced as a treatment method to assist victims of traumatic effects such as rape and domestic violence. CPT is a 12-week outpatient treatment program conducted in weekly or bi-weekly sessions to assist the individual who suffers from the effects of a traumatic event which interferes in their daily functioning. The patient and the therapist may work together to determine which type of session will be the most effective, individual or group sessions, Resick, P. A., (2018). Today CPT has been proven to be an effective EBI to treat Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in a military…show more content…
The therapy can be conducted either individual or group or a combination of individual and group. CPT is developed to help the patient learn to understand what’s hindering them from moving beyond the traumatic event. The individual is asked Socratic questions to pinpoint the exact issue that is believed to be causing the problems. The client is given worksheets to allow the them to have a avenue to record and to reflect on how the maladaptive behavior infers with leading a fuller life. The goal of CPT is to get the client to understand the effects of PTSD, accept the event as reality, learn to deal with the emotion of the event, reduce problematic behavior and improve quality of life, Resick, P. A.,…show more content…
CPT has been approve by the VA because it has shown positive signs in the reduction of PTSD symptom ology in the military and veteran populations. CPT offers the individual the opportunity to face the issue which causes the dysfunction. Therapist refers to the problematic issue as a “stuck point”, because it’s the point which the client cannot move beyond. One of the processes that is used in CPT is writing about the trauma, Davis et al (2013). One limitation of CPT is it doesn’t include a family component and trauma stress is effect a lot of military families through Secondary Stress Trauma (SST). This researcher believes that if a families are included into the therapeutic process CPT could have a more lasting event on the family unit. When the entire family is involved, each learn how valuable they are to the healing process, which hopefully leader to better outcome. Materials needed and costs associated with EBI training and
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