Cognitive Behavioral Family Therapy Paper

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Cognitive-behavioral family therapy, coined by Albert Ellis and Aaron Beck, is a therapeutic approach that focuses on the alteration of attitudes within the family in order to experience positive and adaptive changes in behavior (Nichols, 2013). Cognitive-behavioral family therapy examines patterns of family interaction with the goal of restructuring distorted beliefs that emerge as a result of poor social interactions within the family system (Nichols, 2013). A strong prominence is placed upon schemas, or core beliefs, to discern how family members’ beliefs affect the emotions and behaviors of familial interactions. Each family member constructs his or her own cognitions, behaviors, and emotions and replies to cues from family members, which…show more content…
More specifically, the behavior of a certain family member leads to the development of cognitions, emotions, and behaviors in another family member (Nichols, 2013). Maladaptive patterns, specifically around conflict within the family system, are delineated to recognize the underlying origin of the problem and to determine the ultimate goals to witness substantial changes. The vast majority of the work within the cognitive-behavioral family sessions will include collaboratively working with the family to pinpoint an unresolved issue within the family system and to openly discuss how it is contributing to poor family functioning (Nichols, 2013). By assessing and understanding how weak family interactions lead to perpetual problems, the therapist assists the family with learning how to think and behave in a more positive manner in order to help them to achieve positive changes to interact as a functional unit (Nichols,…show more content…
When working with families, therapists often meet with family members individually and collectively in order to obtain a comprehensive picture of the presenting issues and to determine each family members’ involvement in the current problem. Empirical evidence has established cognitive-behavioral family therapy as a widespread and effective treatment for a variety of issues within the family system, such as high-conflict divorce, grief and loss, depression, anxiety, anger, obesity, addictions, and physical illnesses (Cognitive Therapy Associates,

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