Clinical Leadership Case Study

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In this critical review, a definition of leadership in the clinical care environment will be provided, following which the importance of leadership for healthcare will briefly be discussed, simultaneously defining the qualities of a leader’s behaviour in influencing effective team work. A list of effective leadership behaviours and personal team leader qualities will be compiled, so as to highlight their ability to diagnose and apply appropriate and selective conceptual knowledge to a clinical practical leadership. Furthermore, the question how collaboration, cooperation and partnership contribute to successful management of tam conflict and conflict resolution will be addressed. The arguments and critical points will be supported with ideas…show more content…
The planning work and the division of tasks is an essential part to lead the team. But in addition to that, an accomplished team leader should be able to structure and facilitate the activities within team by being familiar with the specific tasks of each member of the team, their skills and competencies (Ham, Edwards and Brooke, 2013). Team management is not just a feature of the team leader, but it reflects on their ability to fulfill the expectations of other team members and the full potential of the team. 
 According to Ham and Harley (2013), the classical theory of leadership defines the three most common leadership style: 
 1) style focused on tasks, which is based on setting goals, sharing tasks, coordination, monitoring and recognition of all the completed entries; 
 2) style focused on relations and the motivation, defining a common vision, support individual development of each member, and social sustainability; and 
 3) style focused on change, which is intended for the execution of organisational changes through various search perspectives and encouraging new ways to improve the…show more content…
This is particularly true for the leadership model, Holding to Account (NHS Leadership Academy, 2013). Specific standards should ensure the achievement of the desired quality, while setting up a system to monitor the degree of satisfaction of these standards where standards are not met is necessary to determine why not (Mulla, Hewison and Shapiro, 2014). The program of quality assurance in NHS involves a series of steps for describing and assessing the standards, namely: identification of key areas, the choice of criteria for measuring standards, comparing with standard practice, the determination of the reasons the practice, and taking action (Coulter and Collins, 2011 ).
 Overall health of the population depends on more than the quality of the health system, including social, economic, educational and cultural conditions that the population faces or is provided with, however, the quality of health care tends to largely be determined by factors in financing, regulations and other guiding mechanisms (National Quality Board 2015). Leadership and teamwork in health care must focus on practical, professional, universal and scientific knowledge that can be applied in the planning, organisation and management of patient needs, in order to achieve

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