Christopher Columbus Research Paper

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The discovery of the new world takes one back to the year 1492. Christopher Columbus, under the mandate of the Spanish Monarchs, embarks on a journey traveling West from Spain, with the intention of reaching the Indies. Sailing for the purpose of finding the three G’s: God, Glory, and Gold, as ordered by his majesties and stated in Christopher Columbus Journal from His First Voyage, Columbus commenced his journey for various egotistic reasons. He was promised, upon discovery, that a portion of the land and treasures found would be given for his personal belonging. Fast forward sixty years to the time period of 1552, when a well-rounded priest, Bartolome de Las Casas who had previously traveled to the New World publishes a treatise An Account,…show more content…
His objective was never to enrage the Indians, but instead treat them with great kindness. This is displayed in his journal in different occasions as Columbus orders his troops not to touch the natives or any object of their property. The Indians were at times invited on board of his ship not only to make trades but to be lavished with exotic gifts and food. Although in certain encounters Columbus captured several men, they were not in danger as the explorers mission was to ensure that on his return voyage, the natives would remember his kindness and treat him as they had treated him during this time, almost as if he was a God. The Columbus Journal comes to an end on the 2nd of January 1493 as Columbus prepares to return to Spain. Orders are given to the men he will leave behind, such as to keep the natives satisfied, to not disobey the ruler, and to make effort to earn their trust. After Columbus’ return, other Europeans knew of the Indians, their peaceful nature, and fertile land. Therefore other countries sent their own voyages to convert and enslave the natives of these beautiful lands. This sets the scenery described in Bartolome de Las Casas

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