Christian Psychology Case Study

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The Christian psychology (CP) approach to counseling espoused by Langberg (2012) is predicated on two presuppositions with the first being “…knowledge and understanding of the personality of the Son of Man, Jesus Christ” (p. 111) as an imperative and the second being that “…any Christian clinician should be steeped in the knowledge of the Word of God, both written and made flesh in Jesus Christ” (p. 112). Furthermore, those practicing CP should exhibit specific characteristics such as being mindful of the fact that all knowledge is derived from Him and as such no treatment method should be summarily dismissed but rather measured on its efficacy, and clinicians should not only be well versed “in historic Christian literature” (p. 112) but…show more content…
In this case study, Langberg’s (2012) treatment plan suggests using a three-phase model specifically aimed at treating trauma that may not be applicable in all situations which supports her assertion that a therapists’ knowledge should be up-to-date on empirical literature regarding the clients’ primary area of…show more content…
Furthermore, Moon (2012) asserts that neither the TA nor any other approach is superior to another and that choosing which one should be client dependent. Moon (2012) describes five different nuances which set the TA apart from other approaches. The fifth nuance is depicted as six roulette wheels and, “depending on where the wheels stop spinning” determines “the extent to which concepts and techniques from spiritual formation will be integrated” (p. 140). The primary focus of the TA is on spiritual transformation with emphasis on spiritual direction which is defined as “…enhancing one’s awareness of God’s presence and facilitating a journey toward spiritual health through increasing discernment and the practice of a variety of classic spiritual disciplines toward the end of experiencing union with God” (p.

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