Chinese Culture In Ancient China

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It is acknowledged by all that china, a multi-ethnic nation with the world’s largest population, has a prolonged history. China, along with ancient Egypt, Babylon, and India, is famous as one of the four prodigious ancient civilizations of the world. The distinguishing culture that ascended in China was both far-reaching and highly refined. Around the 21st century BC, an embryonic agricultural society first appeared in the areas around China's Yellow and Yangtze rivers, and animal husbandry combined hunting and fishing as a resources of human sustenance. Almost two millennia later, the Xia Dynasty (21st-16th century BC) developed as China's first dynastic government, followed by the Shang Dynasty (16th-11th century BC) and the Western Zhou…show more content…
The Taoist was bring into being by Zhang Dao ling in the Eastern Han Dynasty and turn out to be very popular during the Southern and Northern Dynasties .The Taoist religion was prominently influenced by ancient Chinese people’s enactment of becoming a celestial being , which is the core of Taoist belief. Chinese Culture enlighten us with development of our both spirit and knowledge. Similar to their contemporaries in antique Greece, the Chinese philosophers established schools and took on pupils, vividly discoursed and debated, contemplated military and governmental matters, and functioned as strategists and advisors to their country's leaders. They left forthcoming generations a cherished legacy in philosophy, politics, education, and the military, and had an insightful impact on the culture of China and the whole world. One of these memorable figures was the military strategist Sun Wu (Sunzi), whose prominent work, Sunzi's Art of War, is still used extensively in the areas of military and economic affairs. In 221BC, at nearly the same time that the Roman Empire was founding hegemony in the Mediterranean, Qin Shihuang, the first Qin Emperor, conquered the warring states and bring into being the Qin Dynasty (221-207BC) -- the first united, centralized, multi-ethnic nation in Chinese…show more content…
Ever since the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors period, some form of Chinese monarch has been the chief ruler primarily. Conceptually each imperial or feudal period is alike, with the government and military officials ranking high in the order, and the rest of the population govern by regular Chinese law. Since the late Zhou Dynasty (1046–256 BCE) ahead, traditional Chinese society was structured into a hierarchic system of socio-economic classes well-known as the four occupations. The divisions among all groups became indistinct ever since the commercialization of Chinese culture in the Song Dynasty (960–1279 CE). Ancient Chinese education also has a extended history; from the time when the Sui Dynasty (581–618 CE) educated candidates ready for the Imperial examinations which drafted exam graduates into government as scholar-bureaucrats. This steered to the formation of a meritocracy, even though success was accessible only to males who could pay for test

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