Child Poverty In Rich Country Analysis

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Next, the students also relate to Jesse and Leslie because of the problems they face. These problems include financial stress, ill relationships with family members, bullying, and loss of a loved one. Jesse’s family, opposed to Leslie’s, was under financial stress throughout the entire book, an example being on page 7 when Jesse said, “‘Oh, all right. But I ain't got no money to give you.’ Any money, something whispered inside Jess’s head” (Paterson). In 2005, under a study called “Child Poverty in Rich Countries” it shown that 21.9% of children live below the poverty line and is second to last for having the highest percentage (4). This data shows that even today many children live in poverty and while 21.9% may seem small, considering the size of the US it isn't an insignificant number.…show more content…
Secondly, Jesse’s relationship with his older sisters and youngest sister is almost nonexistent and doesn’t he seem to be very close with his mother. Also, he always craves the attention and praise his sisters receive from their father which is demonstrated on page 16, mabel runs to her father for a hug and it hurts Jess to see his father be so affectionate when he was treated as being to grown (Paterson). Children, especially in elementary school, like to be held and reassured by their parents that they love them. In some homes the parents sacrifice the ability to bond with their kids to work, which can be harmful to the child. In the progress shown between Jesse and his father at the end of the book, it can be a sign of hope to children that are not comforted by their parents that things can change. Next, both Jess and Leslie face bullies while they are in school which is now a problem all over the US. Seeing the characters stand up against the bullies and not listen to their insults can guide children that are dealing with the same

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