Essay On Education In The Philippines

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Global Perspectives: Individual Research Education for All How far can education be granted to those who can’t afford it especially children? Education has a vital role in a child’s development. Through it, children would learn the things they need to attain a bright future. They would also achieve knowledge, from basic to elaborate, that they could use in their daily lives. Furthermore, they as well need education to progress, develop, and grow as wise individuals. Hence, every child has the right to have it. However, not all children were granted of this enlightenment. With poverty surmounting the various reasons, children from all over the world are experiencing lack of education, only getting to finish secondary or elementary. And worse come to worst, they get none at all. Global Perspectives Philippines As a third world developing country, Philippines is encountering a major problem in providing education for its youth. The number of students surpasses the number of…show more content…
30.5 percent of people aged 6-24 who are not attending school stated livelihood or “looking for a job” as their reason. Additionally, 22 percent cited paucity of personal interest whereas 19.9 percent came in a close margin with the reason of extortionate school fees. Other basis encompass, among others, housekeeping, medical ailments or disabilities, non-fulfilment of school works, and distance from school. 2nd Case: The lack of government budget in the Sub-Saharan region in Africa results to millions and millions of children and teenagers out of school. Withal, the lack of skills of those in and out of school can also be deemed as a primary reason. It is already a hard time looking for skilled workers in the country itself. Altogether, the whole of the nation is struggling to find and make a living, let alone provide children with
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