Global Health Watch III Book Review

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BOOK REVIEW HEALTH ECONOMICS PEOPLE’S HEALTH MOVEMENT (2011), GLOBAL HEALTH WATCH III SUBMITTED BY:- AYUSHI BASOYA M.A. ECONOMICS 3rd SEMESTER GROUP 1 The book “Global Health Watch III” published in the year 2011, gives us an analysis of the health and health care issues across the globe. A huge variety of issues related to health and health care have been dealt in this book. The book deals not just with issues directly related to health but also with other political, economical and social factors which indirectly affect the health of people all around the world. It does not merely provides an analysis of the problems that the world is facing related to health but it also tries to suggests various policies and action plans to bring…show more content…
The chapter on WHO talks about the financial crisis that who is facing currently. Majority of its finance comes from voluntary contributions by member developed countries which are conditioned on the fact that policies should be favoring them. Hence the policies formulated are biased towards the interests of these developed countries and the interests of developing countries are not considered. International organizations such as World Bank, World Trade Organization (WTO), etc are the ones manipulating WHO and thus hampering its ability to provide leadership in the arena of global health. The role of WHO is again questioned in the book in case of pandemic influenza. WHO collected the H5N1 virus samples from Indonesia but when it was time to distribute the vaccines Indonesia did not get its share and vaccine was unaffordable. Even if there is foreign assistance provided to these developing countries, they can be skewed towards specific diseases which if get treated will provide benefit to the donor country as well. So, these financial assistance are based on self…show more content…
The two main reasons for this crisis have been the allotment of land to biofuels which was earlier used to produce the staple food for mass consumption. Also, the cultivation of biofuels leads to emissions of large amount of carbon dioxide gases which leads to greenhouse effects and damages the environment and thus the health of people. The other reason is the neglect of agriculture. Policies are formulated in such a way that production of cash crops for commercial purposes and exports are promoted. Hence it leads to shortage of food crops. Another reason for such crisis can be that agriculture in developing countries like India and China, which provide around 50% of the world’s total wheat production, is dependent on climatic conditions. The

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