Child Poverty In Canada

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Abstract Child poverty is high in Canada. “One in seven Canadian children still lives in a low-income household. In Ontario, child poverty rates mirror the national average, with about 371,000 children living in poor households.” (Monsebraaten, 2013) Child poverty brings a series of problems, such as physical health, psychological health, developmental delays and behavior disorders. Although the government tried to end child poverty in the past 25 years, fighting child poverty is still the long-term challenge for the government. Canadian government needs to place greater priority on children in policy decisions…Make children a priority in budget allocations and give them first call on the nation’s resources. Make governance more child-sensitive.…show more content…
The full-time parents raise children at low-wage. Life for those children is often with stress and hardship and many of them feel isolated and excluded. Food insecurity, struggle to pay rent, homeless, living in the shelters and in adequate child benefits, living with being excluded from lots of thing that we take for granted as being pretty normal for most kids ‘growth. It is the social realities of impoverished Canadian children. Child poverty brings other effects, impaired development, poorer health and school achievement, and greater welfare dependency. Child poverty limits the futures of children, because they lack living environments with family support and opportunities to learn and be active, mentally and physically. Children in low-income families are growing up with risk of preventable medical and mental diseases that arise as a result of their early living conditions. Some research has shown childhood poverty leads to adult poor health through epigenetic, toxic stress, and the cycle of chronic disease, including obesity. Poverty has a pervasive influence on a child’s health. Every chronic disease in children is both more common and worse if you are poor, and treatment is less effective if you are poor. Another generation of children grows into adulthood suffering the long-term impact of childhood poverty. (Health & Medicine Week, 2014) Children should have one opportunity to grow and develop…show more content…
We feel sad to live in the same community where most children have plenty but some go to school hungry, go to bed cold or never invite their friends back to their home. As a community member, it’s hard to believe some families daily struggle with food and home. Child poverty also brings many potential community problems when children grow up to adults. They may have antisocial behavior, various forms of crime and illegal drugs. According to the growth of social problems, there request more and more social service workers in the different filed. The cost for the government will be increased. Ending child poverty is not

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