The Truth About Cinderella Summary

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In the critique, “The Truth about Cinderella,” authors Martin Daly and Margo Wilson reveal the truth about the supposed evil position of stepparents in the families around the world. Cases of child abuse are being reported everyday. How many of those cases relate to the stepparent? That is exactly what Martin and Margo try to gather information to explain. The two writers try to debunk the ideas of Cinderella and find the truth about stepparents. They attempt this by using data achieves, police reports, and surveys from the past. The unavoidable truth is that children are abused everyday and it cannot be stopped. But why are they being abused? Many fingers are pointed at the stepparents in this situation. Children are one hundred times more likely to be abused in stepparent and genetic parent situations rather than by two genetic parents. Other than being in a stepparent and genetic parent home, what are some factors that play a role in mistreatment of the child? The data was pulled from the United States and Canada to compare and contrast statistics.…show more content…
was received from the American Humane Association, which has tens of thousands of abuse reports. The surveys used for data were filled with unrealistic exaggerations, so the statistics might be a bit worse than they really are. “But the elevation of risk was dramatic none the less: according to our calculations, a child under three years of age who lived with one genetic parent and one step-parent in the United States in 1976 was about seven times more likely to become a validated child-abuse case in the AHA records than one who dwelt with two genetic parents” (476). While this statistic seems worrying, the stepparent stereotype still lingers. This stereotype draws many false reports that lead to inflated

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