Psychodynamic Theories Paper

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I. Psychodynamic Theories Psychodynamic theories of personality aim to explain the how and why if the individual's personality. How did the individual's personality develop? Why did the personality develop in the manner it did? Personality is defined by the unique traits and characteristics a person possesses (Feist, J., Feist, G., & Roberts, 2013 p.4). The human races are made up of the most diverse personalities when compared to other species. Personality is a contributing factor to a person's behavior and choices. There are varying theories that seek to explain personality. This brochure will be covering seven different theorists and their theories. A. Freud- Psychoanalysis Freud’s theory of Psychoanalysis stated that people are driven by…show more content…
Adler- Individual Psychology Adler’s theory of individual psychology placed a great deal of power on the individual and their ability to shape their personality. He didn't believe that the unconscious mind played a role in a healthy person's behavior, and he believed that people were aware of their thoughts and behaviors. Starting life as inferior it is the motivation for success and superiority that drives a person to develop. One of the limitations of Adler’s theory is there is not a standardized assessment that produces reliable data in terms of a person’s personality (Feist, J., Feist, G., & Roberts, 2013…show more content…
In Fromm’s theory separation from the natural world led to feelings of loneliness and isolation (Feist, J., Feist, G., & Roberts, 2013 p.192). Personality, according to Fromm, is shaped by social influence such as class systems, economics and other sociobiological factors. Another element of Fromm’s theory revolves around fundamental dichotomies and how the individual rationalizes their way through life’s unavoidable attributes such as death and isolation. Lacking in further research Fromm’s theory is not a popular as it was 50 years ago (Feist, J., Feist, G., & Roberts, 2013
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