Foster Care In Canada

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Canada is home to millions of people, and is recognized as a peaceful country which protects Canadian residents against discrimination, while providing equal opportunities for everyone. However, this does not seem to be the case when it comes to foster children in Canada. (Canadian Child Welfare Portal, 2013) Children under foster care were previously neglected or abused by their parents. Additionally, children living under foster care were once emotionally, sexually and physically abused, or exposed to domestic violence. Children that underwent such situations should all be treated in an equipollent manner. However, when coming to foster children the Canadian regime treats them differently depending on whether they are Aboriginal or non-Aboriginal…show more content…
Furthermore, Aboriginal children under foster care are unaware of their cultural, and moral values. (Aboriginal children : the healing power of cultural identity, 2013) Between the 1960s and 1980s Aboriginal children were taken away from their families, and put in non-Aboriginal families. These Aboriginal children claim that they had a lack of bonding with their foster or adoptive families. Furthermore, when it was their turn to undergo parenthood, they felt the absence of their cultural roots as they had not had any cultural role models for themselves. Nowadays, non-Aboriginal children under child care system live among families with the same ethnic background which strongly connects children with their racial background. Furthermore, these children are less likely to be abused, murdered, or commit suicide than children who are not living among families of their ethnic background. First of all, impecuniosity should not be the reason behind putting Aboriginal children under foster care as the two necessities of education and health care are inexpensive in Canada. However, if the Canadian government considers it to be an issue they should have the same laws and regulations for every single child in foster…show more content…
However, First Nation foster children are funded by the Federal government. This may not seem to be a big deal, yet this proves the fact that these children are treated differently than non-Aboriginal foster children. Additionally, the funds provided for foster Aboriginal children are higher than the funds provided for non-Aboriginal children. Again, this shows that the Canadian government cares for Aboriginal children, however, they do not provide these children with the support that they require for living. (Aboriginal children : the healing power of cultural identity, 2013) First Nation children under the child welfare system are expected to have a higher chance of being diagnosed with diabetes, and obesity. Some of the reasons behind diabetes are taking stress, overeating and eschewing exercise. One will surely suffer from stress if she or he is taken out of a loving family to a family that shares a lack of values with him or her. There is a wall between the Canadian government and the Canadian Aboriginals. Nonetheless, children should not be affected by this wall. Children are innocent beings, they should be allowed to live their lives innocently and peacefully. The dispute should not affect children as they may enlighten a bright future in front of them if given a
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