Cellular Respiration Lab Report

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V. Aerobic respiration is the process in which the mitochondrion takes in glucose and oxygen to produce carbon dioxide, Water, and ATP. This is the main way in which animal cells create energy. This process is the breaking down of glucose. First, the glucose must become oxidized. The glucose molecule then enters the stage of glycolysis. This begins the break down by separating the glucose molecule into 2 carbon molecules. Glucose is one 6-carbon molecule. Therefore when split into two, 2 3-carbon molecules are yielded. These 2 new molecules are called pyruvate. The process of glycolysis produces 2 ATP molecules and 2 NADH molecules for every glucose molecule. These are its byproducts. Once glycolysis is complete, the pyruvate produced enters…show more content…
Cellular respiration occurs when oxygen is present. Fermentation is anaerobic and occurs when oxygen is not present. Unlike cellular respiration, organisms cannot sustain life through fermentation. Since there is an absence of oxygen, fermentation completes the process of glycolysis and the electrons are given to the molecule +NADH, causing it to produce +NAD+. With the production of organic molecules, fermentation produces less ATP than cellular respiration. The two main types of fermentation are lactic acid and alcohol fermentation. In lactic acid fermentation, the pyruvic acid is turned to lactic acid. This results in a release of energy which produces ATP. Although fermentation is able to provide an organism with ATP and energy, it cannot be the main form of metabolism. It cannot sustain life because living organisms require oxygen to live. Without the oxygen found in cellular respiration, the organisms would not continue to…show more content…
The basic way to loose weight is by ensuring that the number of calories burned is greater than the calories consumed. 1 lb of weight is equal to 3500 calories. This means that for an individual to loose a pound of weight, they must burn 3500 calories. Over a course of 14 days the individual would need to reduce their number of calories by 3500. This would mean they need to decrease their number of calories by 250 a day. If the individual were to create a plan based strictly on a change in diet, they would need to decrease their calorie intake. This means they would have to either eat smaller amounts of food, or food with fewer calories. They would need to adjust their diet so that they take in 250 less calories per day. This would result in a loss of 3500 calories over two weeks. If the individual were to loose weight based strictly on exercise, they would need to increase the amount of calories they burn. They would need to burn 150 more calories per day through exercise. The individual could also loose weight by combining the two strategies. Since there needs to be a loss of 250 calories a day, they could take in 125 fewer calories per day. They would also need to burn 125 calories through exercising. This would amount to 250 calories per day, providing the same amount of weight loss. This plan, combining exercise and healthy eating, would be the easiest to follow. This would be the change that allows the individual to keep the most normal lifestyle. This will keep

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