Causes Of Waste

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The term Waste is used to describe any unwanted material or substance arising from Various Manufacturing Processes or from Community and Household Activities. The Waste material may be Accumulated, Stored or treated Prior to being discarded or recycled. In general, Waste arises because of inefficient or improper use of Resources. The accumulation of waste can not only have degrading effects on the Environment but also pose a serious health hazard to the community. Waste is also an indicator of the over consumption of the Resources at hand. Waste is commonly generated from Municipal Sources, Medical Sources, Agricultural Sources, Industrial Sources and Electronic Sources. Waste Disposal has become a source of huge concern…show more content…
Due to water pollution, the marine eco-system is affected adversely leading to a drastic decrease in the life expectancy of the marine organisms. Accumulation of Waste is probably the most visible form of pollution, with over a billion metric tonnes of solid wastes being disposed off each year. If left unchecked, the accumulated solid wastes start decomposing leading to the growth of harmful pathogenic bacteria thereby leading to the outbreak of epidemics and many other health hazards. Biomedical waste is another cause of concern in Communities and is generally generated from biological and medical sources and activities, such as the diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of diseases. Biomedical waste needs to be efficiently managed and disposed of in a safe manner that is conducive for the environment, general public and workers, especially healthcare and sanitation workers who are at risk of exposure to biomedical waste as an occupational hazard. Increasing dependence on technology has lead to the generation of Electronic waste, commonly referred to as E-waste. It includes all types of waste containing electrically powered components. Since most of the electronic components consist of Toxic metals, it is imperative that these be handled carefully or else it could pose as a potential health hazard to the community. The wastes generated from…show more content…
It is a broad term encompassing the management of all processes and resources for the efficient handling of waste materials. Waste management includes Avoidance and minimization of waste through Recycling and Recovery in addition to the safe disposal of waste into the environment. In today’s world waste management is extremely crucial for the Sustainable growth of any economy. Instead of simply disposing the waste, we can always find new ways to convert it into valuable resource. The simplest method of waste management is to reduce the generation of waste materials, thereby reducing the amount of waste that needs to be treated. The two best methods for managing waste include composting and Recycling. For example, most of the organic waste can be composted and turned into manure or fertilizers, which can then be used for agricultural activities. Also, Recycling is widely used around the world, with plastic, paper and metal leading the list of recyclable materials. Most Material recycled is again reused for its original

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